The Demographics of GuildsIn terms of guild migration across games, 26% said that their guild existed (or currently exists) in a different game. Of these respondents, 56% had been part of the guild in a different game and migrated over, while the remaining 44% had joined only in the current game. The overall remaining players (74%) noted that their guild did not exist previously in any other game. Most players have been in their guilds for 1 year or less (64%), although about a quarter of respondents have been in their guilds for more than 2 years. When asked to estimate the number of active players in their guilds (excluding known alts), the average guild size was estimated to be 38.9. The median was 30. And about a quarter of players had 10 or fewer players in their guilds. This is significantly higher than the number we've seen in the PARC PlayOn data. It's not clear though how much this is due to selection bias and how much it is due to shifting guild composition.
guilds (11)
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