Questionnaire Methods (Back) <------------> (Forward) Questionnaire Discussion 


Jump to Anchors : IE  / SN / TF / JP / Age / Gender / Number of Years Role-Playing  


            A summary of the 4 personality scales and the statements they were measured by is listed here:
Factor Name

Statements Measuring Factor

Introversion/ Extraversion

1) Being in a crowded or busy place, like a mall or party, makes me feel drained and tired.

2) I tend to keep to myself

3) I think of myself as being sociable and outgoing

4) In social situations, I am usually shy and reserved.

5) I find it easier to think in groups than alone.


1) I prefer to think of possibilities instead of realities.

2) I like authors who use very figurative and fanciful language.

3) I am a very down-to-earth person.

4) I trust my intuitions when making decisions.

5) I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas and concepts.


1) People should place more emphasis on reason and less on emotion.

2) In making decisions, seeking harmony is more important than seeking objective clarity.

3) Cold, rational objectivity appeals to me.

4) I am a soft-hearted person.

5) I am a very romantic person.


1) I like to keep my life organized and planned.

2) I am always prepared.

3) I usually leave things till the last minute.

4) I have a very spontaneous personality.

5) It usually takes me a long time to make up my mind.

               And now I will list what each of the 4 personality scales correlate significantly to in terms of the game preference statements. Significant correlations below +.15 will not be listed. All correlations greater than +.19 have p<0.001.

Jump to Anchors : IE  / SN / TF / JP


Personality Factor

Correlating Statements


Introversion was rated lower than extraversion. So if something correlates positively with this scale, then Extraverts are more likely to agree with it. And Introverts would agree more with statements that are negatively correlated. Negatively correlated statements have been italicized for easier distinction.

(-.16) My real life personality is a façade, and my characters are closer to who I really am.

(.27) It is easy for me to role-play very different kinds of characters or personalities.

(-.24) When I have role-played a character for a while, I begin to think and talk like them in real life sometimes.

(-.15) I always choose certain types or kinds of characters over others, whether it be with occupation or personality.  

(.27) Appeal to RPG’s: Social

(.20) I prefer RPG sessions to be fun and light-hearted, providing a good atmosphere for socializing.  

(.15) RPG’s are really about personal growth.  

(.15) I dislike the hack-and-slash aspect of RPG’s.  

(.15) I would rather participate in a system that does not base characters on numbers and fixed classes.

(-.35) Most people don’t really understand me because I often hide my real self in day-to-day interactions.

(.19) I am completely comfortable with my physical appearance.




Sensing was rated lower than Intuitive. So if something correlates positively with this scale, then Intuitives are more likely to agree with it.

And Sensors would agree more with statements that are negatively correlated.


(.17) My characters are built upon my own quirks and motivations.

(.20) I learn a lot about myself in RPG’s.

(.20) It is easy for me to role-play very different kinds of characters or personalities.

(.15) When I have role-played a character for a while, I begin to think and talk like them in real life sometimes.

(.27) Appeal to RPG’s: Perspectives

(.27) Appeal to RPG’s: Intellectual

(.16) Through my characters, I am able to better understand and resolve some of the problems that I have in real life.  

(.25) RPG’s are really about personal growth.  

(.18) I prefer RPG sessions that are intense and deep in nature.

(.20) Most gamers do not put enough emphasis on character and plot development.  

(.18) Most people don’t really understand me because I often hide my real self in day-to-day interactions.




Thinking was rated lower than Feeling. So if something correlates positively with this scale, then Feelers are more likely to agree with it.

And Thinkers would agree more with statements that are negatively correlated.


(.16) My characters tend to be an idealized version of myself.

(.22) I learn a lot about myself in RPG’s.

(.23) I am very attached and somewhat emotional about my characters.

(.18) Appeal to RPG’s: Perspectives

(.19) Through my characters, I am able to better understand and resolve some of the problems that I have in real life.  

(.15) I vent my pent-up emotions through my characters.  

(.26) RPG’s are really about personal growth.  

(.25) I prefer RPG sessions that are intense and deep in nature.




Judging was rated lower than Perceiving. So if something correlates positively with this scale, then Perceiving are more likely to agree with it.

And Judging would agree more with statements that are negatively correlated.


(.17) My characters are built upon my own quirks and motivations.

(.20) My characters usually have traits that I would want to have in real life.

(.15) After role-playing a character for a while, I find that the character becomes more and more like me.

(.16) I am very attached and somewhat emotional about my characters.

(-.16) When creating a character, I tend to wait and fill in for whatever class or skill is lacking from the group.

(.16) Appeal to RPG’s: Escapism

(-.17) Appeal to RPG’s: Logistics

(.17) I vent my pent-up emotions through my characters.  

(-.21) It would be easy for me to role-play a character of the opposite gender.

(.15) I would rather participate in a system that does not base characters on numbers and fixed classes.

(.16) Most people don’t really understand me because I often hide my real self in day-to-day interactions.

(-.16) I am completely comfortable with my physical appearance.

(.20) I often find myself wishing that I were more physically attractive.


And now I will do the same with age, gender, and number of years playing RPG’s:

Jump to Anchor: Age / Gender / Number of Years Role-Playing


Correlating Statements


(.-15) My characters are built upon my own quirks and motivations.

(-.20) My real life personality is a façade, and my characters are closer to who I really am.

(-.15) I prefer to play characters who have moral perspectives that are different from mine.

(-.21) I always choose certain types or kinds of characters over others, whether it be with occupation or personality.  

(-.15) Appeal to RPG’s: Escapism

(.15) Appeal to RPG’s: Social Aspect

(-.17) Appeal to RPG’s: Fantasy

(-.19) Judging/Perceiving



(.32) Number of years role-playing

(-.17) I am very attached and somewhat emotional about my characters.

(-.16) Appeal to RPG’s: Perspectives

(.17) I prefer RPG sessions to be fun and light-hearted, providing a good atmosphere for socializing.  

(-.15) I prefer RPG sessions that are intense and deep in nature.

(.23) I feel that dice are an integral part of gaming.   

(-.16) Thinking/Feeling


Number of Years Role-Playing

(.32) Gender

(-.15) My characters are built upon my own quirks and motivations.

(-.28) My real life personality is a façade, and my characters are closer to who I really am.

(-.16) After role-playing a character for a while, I find that the character becomes more and more like me.

(-.18) I am very attached and somewhat emotional about my characters.

(-.22) I always choose certain types or kinds of characters over others, whether it be with occupation or personality.  

(-.21) Appeal to RPG’s: Escapism

(-.18) My characters look almost exactly like me.

(.15) It would be easy for me to role-play a character of the opposite gender.

(-.22) Judging/Perceiving


Questionnaire Methods (Back) <------------> (Forward) Questionnaire Discussion